Saturday, January 3, 2009

korean food day

Er…..this is me…..when I see this photo, I just wanna to lol…this one was taken by my sister when the waitress came inside the room.

We( my eldest sister, youngest sister, and a guy could be my brother in law) went to the Korean restaurant eat Korean food.

So this is me and my youngest sister. We haven’t start yet. We need to wait for the next food.

Kimchi tauhu soup? I think…

Grilled pork with chili and sweet sauce. This is the best!!!! Damn delicious!!

Ginseng chicken soup. Mmm…this one not to bad.

THIS IS THE KOREAN TEA? First time I drink just like …’fu shui’. When I still a kid, my grandma always burn some paper, something like azimat and mixed with the water and let me drink…………but the end, I drink this a lot….

......................doing some stupid pose…….............................

The end……..took some stupid pose again when the waitress was not inside. hehe….

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