Saturday, November 7, 2009

WT $@#$%^&~!!

Yesterday, someone wrote something @#$$#%# to me

He wrote the language that I cant understand... Nevermind, I got friends~~!!

can translate it to me, Okie?

After I know the meaning, I damn angry~!! @@$%#@%$#~~!!

How dare he wrote something @#$#@# to me??!!

You are not mature~!! Like a kid dunno how to think~~!!

Nevermind, our friendship is over~~!!

Once you say, I accept it!!

Even you angry, so what!!?? You kept bothering me~~

I got the right to reject you, this called ''hak asasi''

I also getting angry, okie??


I cant think the past anymore

days that we laughed together

its gone......

and now

you go to hell la...

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